Thursday, January 29, 2015

48 Hours To Benefit The Karma Project

The time is here! I'm very excited to announce Humanity Running's first awareness and fundraising effort:

On February 27th, at 6PM Pacific Time, I (Rob Rives) will begin a 48-hour running effort to benefit the the Karma Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to the sustainability of rural communities in mountainous regions of Nepal.  The run will be done through participation in the Razorback Endurance Races in San Martin, CA, in the 48-hour category.  What this means is that I will be running on a two-mile loop course, continuously trying to rack up as much mileage as my body, mind and spirit will allow within the allotted two-day time period.  Race officials will be keeping track of my mileage as I go, and I will be supported by a well-stocked aid station at the start of each loop.  At the completion of the event, I will donate my total mileage in dollars directly to the Karma Project, in addition to all donations received until the race and immediately thereafter.  If you are interested in supporting this run and the Karma Project, here are some ways you can do so:
  • Visit Humanity Running's fund-raising page for this event, and donate online.  The donation page lists two readily attainable financial goals of the Karma Project: providing funds for Sibuje villagers to complete a high school education, and helping pay for the costs of medical courses and certifications for Sibuje villagers, who have no readily available medical services in their rural area.  All funds collected through this portal will be combined with Rob's donation immediately following the race and donated as one lump sum, via check, to the Karma Project.
  • If you would like to donate but the internet isn't your preferred method, contact Glen Young (co-founder of the Karma Project) directly for simple instructions on donating directly to the organization.  His email is
  • Come out to the Razorback Endurance Races and run with me to show your support!  I am allowed pacers after I reach 50 miles, but I am welcome to have friends and family at the loop's start/finish at any time.  Extra points if you donate a dollar to the Karma Project for every mile you run with me!
  • Sharing the information about this run, and about the Karma Project, with friends and family and through your own social media.  Together, we can all have a positive effect on the people of Sibuje Village!

I will be posting updates about fund-raising efforts as we get closer to the race date.  Thank you for reading and supporting Humanity Running and the Karma Project!  Stay tuned for more,

-- Rob Rives, January 29th 2015

Welcome and About Us

Hello all!  Welcome to the launch of Humanity Running.  Throughout recorded human history, feats of physical, emotional and mental endurance have inspired epic legends, heroic tales, and even entire methods of living.  Prior to recorded history, humans developed physiological adaptations to environmental stresses that allowed them to endure and outlast hardship upon hardship.  One could say that endurance is the defining characteristic of the human spirit.  To go on, to live on, to keep innovating and evolving in the face of obstructions, complications and difficulties - this is to be human.

As humanity evolves and grows, we are constantly reconsidering how best to live amongst one another and within the confines of our planet's ecosystems.  We have tried many times, and are still trying, to live outside of our planet's confines by "conquering" natural order.  At the end of each of these efforts, we only find more complications, and we often find that we have detrimentally altered a collective resource.  We must begin to find ways of living within natural order, and within the human community as a whole.

The goal of Humanity Running is to connect the idea of human endurance to our current, problematic state of human affairs.  Our mission statement reads:

"Humanity Running will use the action of endurance running as a symbol for the indomitable vitality of the human spirit, and as a means of increasing awareness and funding for projects related to connecting this spirit with the environment that it needs in order to thrive."  

As endurance runners, we will use the events that we create or participate in to inspire endurance in others, as well as inform public audiences about current issues in human rights and environmental sustainability at local, regional and global levels.

Stay tuned for information concerning Humanity Running's first endurance/fundraising effort, which should come out shortly!